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Flixonase Nasal spray 50 mcg (120 metered doses)


Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Fluticasone Propionate (0.05% w/w)
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Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg is a medication used to treat nasal allergy symptoms, such as congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. It contains the active ingredient fluticasone propionate, which belongs to a class of drugs called corticosteroids. The medication works by reducing inflammation in the nasal passages, providing relief from allergy symptoms.

It is essential to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare professional or pharmacist when using Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg. Generally, the recommended starting dose is 2 sprays per nostril once daily. This dose may be adjusted based on your response to the medication.

Before using Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg, it is crucial to prime the pump by shaking the bottle and pumping it 6 times or until a fine mist is released. If you have not used the spray for 7 days or longer, you will need to re-prime the pump by pumping it 2 times.

To use the spray, insert the nozzle into your nostril and close the other nostril with your finger. Press the pump firmly and inhale through your nose. Repeat the process for the other nostril.

Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg is typically well-tolerated, with the most common side effects being nosebleeds, irritation, and nasal congestion. If you experience any severe side effects or have concerns about using the medication, consult your healthcare provider.


Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg offers several benefits for those suffering from nasal allergy symptoms:

  1. Effective relief: Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg is an effective treatment for nasal allergy symptoms, such as congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. It helps reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, providing relief from these symptoms.
  2. Long-lasting action: The medication provides long-lasting relief, as its effects can last up to 24 hours after each dose. This means you may only need to use the spray once a day to manage your allergy symptoms.
  3. Non-drowsy: Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg is a non-drowsy medication, which means it won’t make you feel sleepy or affect your ability to drive or operate machinery.
  4. Over-the-counter availability: In some countries, Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg is available without a prescription, making it more accessible for those who need it.
  5. Reduced need for other medications: By effectively managing nasal allergy symptoms, Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg may help reduce the need for other allergy medications, such as antihistamines or decongestants.
  6. Suitable for long-term use: Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg is generally safe for long-term use, which is helpful for those who suffer from chronic nasal allergy symptoms.

It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider to determine if Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg is the right choice for you and to receive guidance on proper usage and dosage.


Like any medication, Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg may cause side effects in some users. Common side effects include:

  1. Dryness or irritation in the nose or throat
  2. Nosebleeds
  3. Headache
  4. Unpleasant taste or smell

In rare cases, more severe side effects may occur, such as:

  1. Vision problems
  2. Severe or persistent nosebleeds
  3. Sores or white patches inside or around the nose
  4. Severe or persistent allergic reactions, such as hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the face, lips, or tongue

If you experience any of these severe side effects or any other concerning symptoms while using Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg, seek medical attention immediately.

It is crucial to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare professional or pharmacist when using Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg to minimize the risk of side effects and ensure the medication is effective for managing your nasal allergy symptoms.


Before using Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg, it is essential to be aware of the following precautions:

  1. Allergic reactions: Do not use Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg if you are allergic to fluticasone or any other ingredients in the medication.
  2. Steroid use: Inform your healthcare provider if you have recently used corticosteroids, as combining Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg with these medications may increase your risk of side effects.
  3. Eye conditions: If you have glaucoma or cataracts, discuss this with your healthcare provider before using Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg, as the medication may worsen these conditions.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: There is limited information on the safety of Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consult your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding before using this medication.
  5. Children: Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg is not recommended for use in children under the age of 4. Children aged 4 to 11 should use a lower strength of the medication, such as Flixonase Nasal Spray 25 mcg.
  6. Long-term use: Prolonged use of Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg may result in a decrease in the medication’s effectiveness or the development of side effects. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on when to stop using the medication and how to manage your allergy symptoms effectively.

Always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and the medication guide provided with Flixonase Nasal Spray 50 mcg to ensure safe and effective use of the medication.

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