How can a man determine if he is infertile? Well, because there aren’t many telltale symptoms, male infertility might be difficult to diagnose. Nonetheless, evidence indicates that male infertility concerns are vital to identify and play a role in more than one-third of the couples.

If statistics are to be accepted, up to 15% of American couples experience infertility. An estimated 50% of couples who have not been successful in conceiving are suffering from male infertility. The failure to conceive even after engaging in frequent unprotected sexual activity for over a year is known as infertility. Such couples ought to receive a fertility diagnosis and consult a medical professional for help. How can a man determine if he is infertile?

Many men are unaware that they are experiencing infertility until they undergo testing to rule out medical conditions or discover that they are unable to conceive a child with their healthy partner.

How can a man determine if he is infertile? It might be challenging to identify fertility symptoms in men. The inability to conceive is the most typical sign of infertility in men. Typically, the cause of the issue determines the symptoms. Men’s infertility problems can be caused by a wide range of medical disorders, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices.

In certain instances, an underlying medical problem such as varicocele (an enlargement of the veins surrounding the testicles), HIV (an infection that causes inflammation of the testicles), male reproductive organ tumors, hormonal abnormalities, or celiac disease (a disorder of the digestive system),

etc. Your testicles may become overheated if you spend a lot of time on laptops or are exposed to environmental elements like x-rays. Male symptoms may go undiagnosed until a man tries to conceive a woman.

Male infertility symptoms and indicators include:

 Swelling or pain in the testicles- Swelling or pain in the testicles can be easy to detect, and there are several reasons for this, including an underlying condition. However, it is not always necessary that it would indicate infertility. Another condition called varicoceles, an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum lead to low sperm count. Research says 15 per cent of men develop enlarged veins in their scrotum, will not have fertility issues. However, an infertility problem appeared due to varicoceles can easily be corrected by surgery.

 Ejaculatory Dysfunction- Men with some kind of ejaculatory dysfunction often experience premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation, which leads to infertility. Some men may also experience retrograde ejaculation, which happens when the sperm stream into the bladder instead of out the penile organ. Furthermore, medical conditions such as diabetes and spinal cord injuries can cause you to experience retrograde ejaculation. In some cases, medications can help reverse the condition.

Low Sperm Count: Certain infections, like orchitis, epididymitis, and STDs, can interfere with sperm production or even prevent sperm from passing through. Sometimes ejaculatory dysfunctions are linked to problems with sperm count. Sperm production may occasionally be impacted by the use of specific medications, including antidepressants, hypertensives, anti-cancer treatments, and arthritis meds. Sperm production may be decreased in men on testosterone replacement therapy who have an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, changing to a different medication can assist boost sperm production and reverse the issue. Before altering your dose regimen, make sure to consult your physician. Thankfully, there are treatments for the majority of these illnesses that lead to low sperm counts and male infertility.

 Smell Semen- Foul smelling semen can a sign of infertility in men. You could be suffering from a bacterial infection if your semen smells fishy or rotten. In some cases, excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, and certain foods can affect the smell of your semen. However, limiting these from your diet can reverse the condition. An in case, if the smell remains, you could be suffering from an underlying health problem that could be causing foul-smelling semen.

 Unhealthy Lifestyle- Certain lifestyle choices can harm your overall health, including your reproductive system. Excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, and drug abuse can cause a significant reduction in sperm count. Such lifestyle choices can affect sperm morphology, reduce testosterone levels, and affect other hormones that play a role in sperm production. Research studies have shown that cannabis can reduce sperm count and other associated problems. Besides, obesity has been linked to hormonal fluctuations that lead to infertility issues in men. However, it is possible to reverse the condition by reducing extra weight.

To preserve a healthy reproductive system, experts recommended cutting back on or limiting the usage of these drugs and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

See a medical expert if you are under 35 and have been attempting to conceive with your partner for longer than a year. The general health of the sperm can be ascertained with the aid of a sperm analysis.

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