Over 40 million Americans wear contact lenses, and almost 90% of them do not take care of their lenses as prescribed, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Irritation and infection are just two of the many conditions that can arise from improper cleaning and other unhealthy practices. Good eye health and successful wear depend on proper maintenance. You will receive proper handling guidelines and products to clean, disinfect, and preserve your contact lenses in addition to the lenses themselves. You will learn how to take care of your contact lens-wearing eyes and how to use them securely from this article.

It’s normal to initially experience any of the following:

  • Have itch eyes
  • Are more aware of the one lens
  • Vision seems fuzzier than with your glasses
  • Your vision in one eye is better than in the other
  • Have trouble handling your lenses

Remove your contacts immediately in case you:

  • Develop unusual redness or pain
  • Develop the foggy or cloudy vision
  • Feel a decrease in vision that does not resolve quickly.

You may receive solutions for cleaning, disinfecting, soaking, and rinsing your contact lenses and ophthalmic solutions while wearing the lenses prescribed specifically for your eyes and your lenses. Since the solutions and eye drops vary significantly from one manufacturer to another, please do not change any one of them without checking with your ophthalmologist first. Using non-recommended products may cause lens damage, eye irritation, and an increased risk of infection.    

How well your eyes adapt to contact lenses is the key factor in determining wearing time. Make sure you do not exceed the wearing schedule your doctor prescribed. It is important to note that, like any prescription device, contact lenses must be monitored regularly. When it comes to taking care of contact lenses, professional follow-up care plays a crucial role in successful, long-term contact lens wear. For proper care, please keep your scheduled appointments.

Safe Handling Of Your Contact Lenses

1. Rinse Your Hands:

Washing your hands before handing your lenses is a must. Wash your hands, rinse well, and dry with a towel. Ensure your fingernails are short and smooth to avoid damaging the lenses or scratching your eye. It is best to use a soap that will not leave an oily film on the hands, which transmits to the lenses. If there is an oily build-up, it does not come off with cleaning. This oily build-up does not come off with cleaning.  

2. Clean The Lenses:

Remove the lenses from their case and clean them well. To avoid the possibility of mix-ups, begin with the right lens.  

3. Inspect Your Lenses:

Place the lens on your forefingers to inspect it and determine if it’s placed right.    

4. Which Side Is Up?

If the lens is placed correctly, the edges will appear almost straight, like a bowl. When in an inverted position, the edges of the lenses will flare out slightly like a teacup. This is often tough to determine until you have had a little practice.

5. Carefully Inserting Your Lenses:

To learn how to wear contact lenses, please read the below instructions carefully:

  • Hold the upper lid to prevent blinking
  • Pull the lower lid down
  • Focus on a steady point with the eye you are not placing the lens on
  • Put the lens on the centre of the cornea, not off to the side.
  • Avoid blinking until the lens is properly placed and has no bubbles underneath.

6. Ophthalmic formulations:

One or two drops of lens lubricant are suggested if your lens feels dry or if you suspect the vision is blurred while wearing them. Ophthalmic solutions may also be helpful before removing lenses in case your lenses feel dry and sticky.

Can regular eye drops be used with contacts? Yes, that is the response. Eye drops are offered to treat common conditions related to the eyes, such as allergies and dry eyes. Make sure an ophthalmologist is supervising you while using it. There are numerous eye drops available to stop allergies and dry eyes. The top products for eye care are available for purchase online.

  1. Using Hairspray and Makeup While Wearing Contact Lenses: Put on your contacts first before doing your makeup. When utilizing aerosol sprays, exercise caution. If you use them, shut your eyes securely while you spray and exit the room once you’re done.
  1. Lens Removal: Before removing your lenses, wash your hands. Gently press the edge of the lens on the white portion of your eye. To remove the lens, gently squeeze it between your thumb and forefinger. Use caution and refrain from using your fingernails.
  2. Cleaning Lenses After Every Wearing: Cleaning your lenses after every wear will be beneficial. The lens should be in your palm. Apply a small amount of cleaning solution to it and gently wipe it back and forth in a straight line. Repeat the procedure with the contact lens flipped over.
  3. Regularly Clean Your Case: Take your lenses out of the case, give them a quick rinse with contact lens solution, and let them air dry.
  1. Storing Lenses: Make sure the soft lenses are completely submerged in the disinfectant solution before putting them in the case. Utilize a fresh solution each time. Lenses may become discolored and develop severe infections if the disinfecting solution is reused.

See Also: Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

Seeking follow-up care from your ophthalmologist is crucial for both your eye health and well-being. Please keep your planned checkups even if you think your lenses are fine. This will help to ensure appropriate fitting.

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